Healthy soul

Healthy mind

Healthy body

Spiritual healing is spiritual, energetic and medial healing.

Krankheit ist eine energetische Blockade, ein Energiestau, wo die Lebensenergie/Chi nicht mehr frei durch die Chakren des Körpers fließen kann.

Diese energetischen Blockaden sind zum großen Teil durch unverarbeitete Emotionen bzw. Traumata zurückzuführen (Abspaltung).

Part of my spiritual healing work is to reintegrate these through chakra opening and awareness processes and to allow the life energy to flow freely again

When I work as a healer, I do not see myself as a “doer”, but as a medium, as a channel between the spiritual world and the person/animal to be treated.

We not only have a physical body, but also an energy body, a mental body.

Since the spiritual law states that finer vibrations dominate the coarser ones, I mainly work on a spiritual, subtle and energetic level.

I direct focused life energy (Chi) into the required regions of the body, comparable to a laser beam that I direct.

“Learning how to direct light”

I analyze and treat.

This can be done on site or from any distance (remote treatment).

From a legal point of view, as a healer I am not allowed to make any medical diagnoses, make any promises of healing or carry out any therapies or treatments that fall within the scope of conventional medicine. My work serves to activate the self-healing powers and is to be understood as a supportive measure that does not replace a visit to a doctor or alternative practitioner.

To serve, to heal and to promote spiritual growth is my deepest fulfillment.

Comments from my customers

  • “Fluctuation on the real estate market has fallen significantly”

    Insa Sophia Cornelius | DAHLER Real Estate Hanover / Gifhorn

    “We regularly commission Reinhardt Mundt to clarify the energy situation in our properties, clean them and create a basis.

    Our customers are impressed by the pictures of the house, come, view and leave again - there was no question of buying, not even negotiating for this gem.

    Reinhart Mundt has already been able to clarify and positively change some of these situations, because this is where our earthly understanding, which is deliberately limited by the universe, ends. Other factors such as meridian knots, emotional fields, earthbound souls, chi flow etc. play a role here, and this is where Reinhart can help.

    Reinhart has dealt with both of our offices. It has become warmer.

    We are happy to have a successful business and a good atmosphere. Staff turnover has dropped significantly, employees are more relaxed and business feels more consistent."

  • "Ein weiser und aufrichtiger Mensch"

    Daniel S., Heiler in Ausbildung, Zürich

    „Reinhart ist für mich wie ein Mentor – ein weiser, aufrichtiger und herzensguter Mensch, der mir und meinem Umfeld bereits viel heilend zur Seite gestanden hat. Seine größte Freude ist es, meine Entwicklung zu sehen. Ich bin dankbar, dass ich ihn kennenlernen durfte.“

  • "Umfassende Erleichterung und Stärkung"

    Stephanie P., Oberscheld

    „Reinharts heilerische Fähigkeiten sind für mich von unschätzbarem Wert. Wenn nichts mehr geht, bitte ich ihn um Unterstützung. Seine Fernbehandlungen bewirken jedes Mal eine umfassende Erleichterung, Stärkung und schenken mir großes Wohlgefühl.“  

Living in healing spaces

Feel good and recharge your batteries in your own place of power

Living in healing spaces • Feel good and recharge your batteries in your own place of power •