KALPA is a Sanskrit word and means something like
as 'world year' or 'cycle (of humanity)'.
The essence of these cycles, which can be recognized in many
life processes, seems to me to be the change in the
change in the relationship between spiritual freedom
to manifestation in cyclical time.
The bronze KALPA:
The bronze sculpture shows the KALPA (Sanskrit: “world year”, cycle), the basic form of which I developed in 1994 as a timeless symbol of eternal cyclical change.
Size: Ø 36 x 10 cm height, first cast 2006, edition of 11
Price with base:
€ 4.444,-
By purchasing this sculpture, you are supporting the planned KALPA Foundation, whose aim is to promote awareness of cyclical processes. A building with a diameter of 108 meters is planned in the proportions of the bronze KALPA, which will house a museum, the foundation's headquarters and an international management academy.
If you read the KALPA like a clock, at the beginning of the cycle
of the cycle there is a seemingly unlimited potential in free space with very little manifestation, which becomes visible through the material. In a cyclical full rotation, the free space/potentiality develops from 100 to 0%, the manifestation in the same time from 0 to 100%; towards the end of the cycle, the relationship has completely changed in favor of the material: the spiritual play space has become so small that the manifestation appears enormous, uncontrollable and causal.
What at the beginning of time was a joyful, light and seemingly timeless game, reveals itself towards the end as a seemingly dramatic entanglement of uncontrollable consequences.
The immense, collectively experienced acceleration of time (“I have no time!”) of our days is evident in the ever steeper spiral towards the KALPA center. At the climax of material entanglement (the being confuses itself with its product and sees itself increasingly bound/subjected to time and space) and increasing decay of form and values, the forebodings and messengers of the new dawn become visible to announce the new cycle. ...
“When you see the new morning, do not forget that time is an illusion and therefore your projection, perhaps also a great vision!”
In this sense, I understand the KALPA as a message not to identify excessively with one's own and collective manifestations, but to understand oneself as a potentially free spiritual being and to improve self-determination.
The KALPA is a timeless sign of eternal change.
Reinhart Mundt
(The KALPA is a symbol developed and protected by me).